becoming: health conscious

Neatly 5 years ago I began eliminating meat from my diet, with weight loss as my number one goal. Through trial and error, setbacks, and re-attempts, I reached a weight that I’m now comfortable with, and have maintained for a little over a year now. Present day, my daily diet consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and occasionally fish or other seafood. A diet most would refer to as a Plant Based Diet - more specifically, Pescatarian. Pescetarianism is the practice of incorporating seafood into an otherwise vegetarian diet. Some Pescatarian practices may or may not consume other animal products such as eggs and dairy products, which for the most part is where I am. Though I’m nowhere near where I want to be, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made thus far.

Since exploring new food options, my focus has shifted towards a more mindful consideration of the foods I choose, their origins, and their preparation methods. On exceptionally rare occasions, I allow myself the pleasure of indulging in a cookie, cheese, fried shrimp 😩, a cocktail, or a glass of wine. However, as I've observed how my body responds to these occasional treats, I find myself questioning their true worth. This introspection is gradually guiding me towards a state of heightened Health Consciousness, where I am more attuned to the choices I make regarding what I consume.

“Health Consciousness is the behavior and attitude of a person towards their health, diet, and lifestyle. It is the state of being aware of how healthy you are while willingly engaging in health-promoting activities, behavior, and lifestyle.”

My Health History + Chronic Diseases in African American Women

I am a Woman, of African Descent, born and raised in the United States of America. Throughout the majority of my life, I have adhered to a Western (American) Diet and have grappled with the development of high blood pressure and obesity. For reference, The Western (American) Diet is defined as: 

“A diet that is low in fruits and vegetables, and high in fat and sodium. Moreover, this diet consists of large portions, high calories, and excess sugar.”

The Health History of the Women in my family, in particular, includes a significant number of individuals who lived to be 65 years old or younger. A substantial portion of them has either lived with or succumbed to complications arising from a combination of Chronic Diseases that frequently affect the African American Community.

“Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Chronic diseases such as heart diseasecancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also leading drivers of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care costs.”

“Compared to their white counterparts, African Americans are generally at higher risk for heart diseases, stroke, cancer, asthma, influenza and pneumonia, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, according to the Office of Minority Health, part of the Department for Health and Human Services.”

Photo Credit: US CDC

Many Chronic Diseases are caused by a short list of Risk Behaviors & Factors:

My maternal grandmother's life concluded at 63, with her passing attributed to complications from cardiovascular disease, lung disease, and cancer. My mother's life ended at the age of 55, and her passing was marked by complications from cardiovascular and lung disease. She also contended with anemia, cancer, and obesity. In addition to this, several aunts and cousins within my family have either lived with or succumbed to complications related to COPD, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and various forms of cancer. 

Taking everything into account, I've, to some extent, grappled with an apprehension regarding my own mortality. While the specifics of my journey ultimately lie in the realm of faith, I've come to understand that I can confront this fear by fostering faith, discipline, and action to enhance my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being through positive lifestyle choices.


Over the past couple of months, I've dedicated time to self-education regarding the foods I consume and their impact on my overall well-being. Frankly, I discovered a significant gap in my knowledge. After enrolling in a few classes and delving into literature on Health & Nutrition, I came to the realization that I had been navigating this subject without a clear understanding. I had relied on hearsay and what felt right to me, which had yielded results for my immediate goals. However, there's a vast expanse of knowledge waiting to be explored when it comes to food, nutrition, and lifestyle choices in the context of health. It was only recently that I acknowledged how much I have yet to uncover on this journey.

One thing that will always remain true, I LOVE food. Seriously y’all, food is like Art to me. I am genuinely passionate about the act of crafting, discovering, and savoring new culinary experiences, and that passion is unwavering. The knowledge I'm acquiring about nutrition and health is unquestionably enriching my appreciation and exploration of the vast world of food.

It's evident that numerous elements contribute to shaping our well-being positively. Genetics, gender, diet, stress, sleep, physical activity, and social and environmental conditions all play significant roles in influencing our health. Through my independent studies, I've gained a deeper understanding of the direct impact of these factors on my health. More importantly, how many of these aspects can be managed through my own lifestyle choices.

Lifestyle Changes

To be completely open and honest, I've encountered some profoundly challenging moments in my life over the past few years. I'm sure many of you can relate because, lately, life has been a struggle for many of us. Coping with these difficult times has required me to approach self-care in a new and transformative manner, leading to profound personal growth. During the last two years, I initiated therapy, took up journaling, embraced a cleaner diet, established healthier sleep patterns, increased my physical activity, adhered to daily routines, consistently engaged in personal devotion, prayer, meditation, and quiet moments with God, and even embarked on a journey of practicing abstinence... it's been quite a journey! 😓  

Collectively, these lifestyle adjustments initiated a path of self-discovery and personal growth that I hadn't imagined possible. These changes are guiding me towards a profound level of mental and spiritual clarity, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-control. They have brought about enhanced health, heightened energy levels, a greater ease in asserting my boundaries, inner peace, self-discipline, improved relationships, and the ability to effect positive change within myself and my environment.

Here’s the thing, the journey of self-discovery is far from glamorous. It demands significant courage and vulnerability. It gets real, and you must confront and embrace the less flattering aspects of yourself. At times, this journey can become quite challenging, uncomfortable, and humbling. Fortunately, during these difficult moments, I've been blessed with a small yet resilient support system here on earth, and the prayers of my ancestors to provide protection and fill in the gaps when I need it most. No one travels this path alone, and I am eternally thankful for their presence in my life.

I am a constant work in progress, with an ongoing aspiration to evolve and stay on the journey of connecting with my highest self, and becoming the woman that God has destined me to be. It's my foremost priority to utilize the time that God blesses me with on this earth in a way that is both positive and inspirational, contributing to a purpose far greater than myself.

Mental, Physical + Spiritual Health is Wealth

My journey began with a focus on improving my overall health however, it has evolved into more than I could have ever imagined.

It is my personal belief that, 

“Your Health Will Be The Deciding Factor of Your Wealth. You Cannot Go Further Than Your Body Will Allow You To Go.” 

Realistically speaking, there are so many factors that could impact my health. Many of which are out of my control, and many of which are within my control. It is my Prayer to live a long, healthy, happy, and prosperous life. I would much rather strive to embrace what is conducive to positive health than be conscious and complacent, and live in regret if I don’t.   

I’ve made a personal commitment to myself to strive to live in a space where I am centered with God and myself. I am becoming sensitive to the things that influence my Mind, Body, and Spirit and being more intentional about the things I subject myself to. It’s becoming a priority for me to always consider my environment, what I listen to and read, the words I speak, the thoughts I think, the people I surround myself with, and the things I ingest into my body, in hopes of developing a positive and healthy life. 

One of my favorite Poets, Maya Angelou once said: 

“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.”

Through the process of therapy, I have acquired valuable insights on being mindful, living in the present moment, and maintaining patience with myself, acknowledging that personal growth is a marathon and not a race.  Through self-awareness, I've discovered the ability to wholeheartedly love and accept all facets of myself, while relinquishing the unattainable expectation of perfection, both for myself and others.

When I become discouraged or doubt creeps in, I’m blessed with a beautiful Soul Sister who reminds me to pause, reflect, and celebrate how far I’ve come. And most importantly I’ve learned to keep God first and be open to new ways of being, so that I may experience the abundance of possibilities in this life, far beyond what I can conceptualize. 

In continuing to share my journey, I hope that you’ll find inspiration to implement your own lifestyle changes and pursue your own health goals and passions through the process of self-discovery and a deepened level of personal growth.

In the words of the late great Tupac “2Pac” Shakur:

“Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live, and let’s change the way we treat each other, you see the old way wasn’t working so it is on us to do what we got to do to survive”

Thanks for reading and joining me on this journey, see you online!

Be Well,

Sherrita Denise 🖤 


Volunteering at Infinite Zion Farms: A Powerful Lesson in Community & Sustainability


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