the miracle tree: my holistic journey to wellness and herbalism
"The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough.” - George Washington Carver
As 2022 came to a close, I found myself on a path of personal development and wellness that would come to define my year ahead. Rooted in my growing passion for nutrition, health, and wellness, I set out to achieve several goals that would not only transform my life but also better equip me to share knowledge with others within my community.
My Goals were Clear:
Complete a Nutritional Wellness & Program
Study Holistic & Integrative Health
Reduce my use of Toxic Personal Care and Household Products
Learn how to Curate and Prepare Clean, Whole-food Meals
Naturally, Remedy myself and my Children of Common Illnesses
Clean up my Eating Habits
Learn how to grow a variety of my own Whole Foods
Maintain my Weight and Tone my Muscles
Enhance my Spiritual Wellness
Prior to this journey, physical exercise was already a part of my daily routine, I slowly began to add daily mindfulness meditation practices and I had begun cleaning up my diet by reducing unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed foods and even considering eliminating dairy. My spice cabinet had dwindled to a few herbs and spices that I blended for flavor instead of relying on commercial seasonings. I had even started to reduce my dependence on medications for common ailments, especially after my son and I battled COVID-19 in September 2022.
I've always preferred home remedies over medications for common illnesses. When colds, flu, allergies, headaches, toothaches, stomach aches, or skin irritations struck me and my babies, I'd explore natural home remedies before turning to medications.
In January 2023, I took a significant step by enrolling in and completing my first program in Food, Nutrition, and Health. This newfound knowledge drove me to transform my diet and I eagerly sought ways to apply what I had learned. I revamped my recipes, focusing on clean ingredients and nutritional value. Sodas and juices were eliminated and replaced with more water and freshly juiced produce, and I made a commitment to begin eliminating animal by-products and processed foods from my diet. Even when dining out, I sought farm-to-table restaurants with from-scratch kitchens.
One by one, I began replacing the toxic personal care products I had used all my life with all-natural, chemical-free vegan alternatives, most of which I started crafting in small batches myself. I even ventured into vegetable gardening, It was fun and fulfilling and I learned a lot, but it was also frustrating…Have you ever waged war with squirrels over your food? Whew!
Farmers' markets, local nurseries, and herb shops became my new hangout spots as I sourced organic culinary spices and produce. My weekends were spent volunteering at an Urban Community Farm, where I supported a community living in a food desert while gaining hands-on experience in agriculture, environmental science, and sustainability practices.
The turning point in this journey came during a visit to Infinite Zion Farms, where I encountered the Moringa Tree, also known as the "Healing Tree". Mr. Prince, our guide, was incredibly passionate as he shared his profound knowledge of this plant's remarkable healing properties. He shared the history of the tree and its various uses to support wellness in the body. He even gave me a clipping to take with me and gave me some examples of how to use it. I became captivated by the potential of this "Miracle Tree," a name I hadn't associated with a plant until then.
My research in the following weeks revealed a world teeming with plants that nurture, heal, and restore balance to the body – mentally, physically, and spiritually. The more I delved into herbalism and integrated it into my daily life, the more I fell in love with this centuries-old practice. Herbalism, a global, cultural system of diverse practices, was not only a way of life for my ancestors but also a way of life for countless individuals today, including myself.
11 months have passed since I set my personal development goals for 2023, and a lot has transpired between then and now. Not only have I achieved my personal development goals for this year, but I've far exceeded them.
Although not initially a goal for this year, for so many deeply personal reasons, I took a leap of faith and enrolled in an Herbalist Program, a milestone close to my heart. While much of my knowledge in Herbalism was initially self-taught through research and hands-on experience, This comprehensive, scientific and research-based program will build upon my awareness and appreciation of herbal medicine traditions. While simultaneously elevating my sense of the world around me, and deepened my knowledge of self and the realm of holistic health and wellness.
At the beginning of my Herbalism Journey, I read numerous books and independently studied African-American Pioneers in Medicine, Herbalism, and Agriculture, from Booker T. Washington to Fannie Lou Hamer, Dr. Sebi and the most inspirational to me, George Washington Carver. One of his famous quotes and my personal favorite is:
"The secrets are in the plants. To elicit them, you have to love them enough.” - George Washington Carver
Honestly, I don’t think I've found a deeper love for anything else along this holistic wellness journey than what I have with practicing Herbalism. I've never experienced a stronger sense of purpose, nor been more excited about acquiring and utilizing knowledge, for a cause much greater than myself, than I am in this moment.
As the new year approaches, I reflect on how far I've come and how much further I will go. One thing is for certain: the sky is not the limit; it's just the beginning.
I can’t wait for you to see what lies ahead. Until next time…
Be Well 🌱